
Here you can find the latest news of Basic Water Needs

Investir nas mulheres é simplesmente um bom negócio

This year Basic Water Needs celebrated International Women’s Day in a very special way: we were invited to speak at an ‘inspiration session’ at RVO (Netherlands Enterprise Agency), which is part of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. Together with our partner Plan the Netherlands, we were invited to speak about Gender and Business.   […]

Investir nas mulheres é simplesmente um bom negócio Consulte Mais informação "

Necessidades Básicas de Água reúnem-se com o primeiro-ministro holandês Rutte

5 June 2015, Jens Groot, managing director of Basic Water Needs, was invited to present before Prime Minister Rutte, Minister of Foreign Affairs Lilianne Ploumen and Minister for Agriculture Sharon Dijkstra at the ‘Entrepreneurial Minds’ event in Delhi, India. Basic Water Needs was one of the 15 companies selected as a prime example of Dutch-Indian

Necessidades Básicas de Água reúnem-se com o primeiro-ministro holandês Rutte Consulte Mais informação "

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